
Our Commitment to a Safe Environment

Keeping our young people, our volunteers, and all of our parishioners safe is our highest concern. For a comprehensive understanding of requirements for volunteers, please read the Volunteer Guidelines.


Altar Servers | Contact

Boys and girls from 5th to 12th grades. Contact to learn more about responsibilities and training opportunities.

Children's Liturgy | Contact

Children’s Liturgy is designed to teach young children about Jesus within the context of the weekly readings in language more suitable to their understanding. Our hope is that children develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Eucharistic Adoration | Contact

The Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Thursday we gather to come Face-to-face with Jesus in the Eucharist.

Children's Adoration | Contact

Children’s Adoration ministers to preschool age children and meets the first Thursday of the month (unless otherwise advertised) from 9 AM – 9:15 AM in Church.

Extraordinary Ministers | Contact

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Eucharist at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.

Greeters | Contact

Greeters are called to be ministers of Hospitality. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging as our parish family gathers for Mass.

Ushers |

The Ushers at Our Lady of Mount Carmel serve all people, parishioners, and visitors alike, in receiving the Lord. Ushers are the visible ministers who provide personal service and courtesies to our parish family before, during, and after Mass and in so doing, help enhance their own and other’s experience of the Liturgy.

Lectors | Contact

Adults, college and high school students proclaim the scripture readings at Mass on Sundays, weekdays, and Holy Days.

Music Ministry | Contact

Music Ministry is an integral part of liturgical worship. It is perhaps one of the most complex elements of parish life in that it touches every member of the congregation, both adults and children.

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CYO | Contact

CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) Sports is one component of a parish’s comprehensive youth ministry program which enables the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers, and adult leaders to manage and support a sports program that allows youth to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and the Catholic faith.

OLMC Scouting Program | Contact

Scouting is an experience that helps young individuals develop life skills and build character while growing in faith. It provides a supportive community for exploring interests and finding new opportunities for growth and service. Boys and girls grades K-12 are welcome.

Youth Ministry | Contact

We are a fun, faithful group of 7th through 12th graders. We want to strengthen our relationship with Jesus. We love to serve others in our church and community. We like to hang out with friends, eat, and play games, too.

Watch our Youth Ministry Video Youth Ministry - Parents Form Catholic Heart Work Camp Registration Form

COmmunity & Service

Knights of Columbus |   Contact

Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.

Ladies of Mount Carmel |   Contact

The Ladies of Mount Carmel were established 73 years ago as a spiritual, service, and social organization. The Ladies work directly with the Pastor to support specific parish needs. 

ROCK (Raising Our Catholic Kids) | ContacttContact

ROCK (Raising Our Catholic Kids) A ministry for families with children from birth – 8th grade.

Prayer Garden | Contact

The prayer garden ministry maintains a peaceful environment for prayer and reflection. They take care of the garden to create a tranquil space for visitors to deepen their faith. Spring cleaning and planting opportunities are coming soon!

Peace and Justice | Contact

The Peace and Justice Ministry focuses on Catholic Social Teaching, educating about and connecting parishioners with ways to serve the homeless, help refugees, combat addiction and so much more.

Art and Environment | Contact

The Art and Environment Ministry is responsible for creating seasonal beauty in our Church with the intention of enhancing and bringing all of us closer to Christ.

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Legacy of Life at OLMC | Contact

A partnership with Legacy of Life Foundation. Legacy of Life invests in educating, inspiring and supporting women in unplanned pregnancies to find the strength to choose life.

Legion of Mary | Contact

The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. Each week we visit and pray with the sick and the elderly in area nursing homes and at the hospital.

Middle East Family Ties | Contact

Keeping the face of Christ alive in the Middle East.

Red Cross Blood Drive | Contact

Giving blood is an act of love and compassion to someone in need within our community and beyond. We provide the location, within a warm church community environment, and publicize the event. The Red Cross schedule appointments.

St. Vincent de Paul | Contact

St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness, and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need. 

Prison Ministry | Contact

The Prison Ministry of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church has two components: The Mentoring/Reentry Program and The Religious Services Program. We follow the inspiration of Fr. John Davids, former OLMC parish vicar, who dedicated his ministry as chaplain to the Bucks County prison.

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Prayer & Support

Prayer Chain | Contact

Anyone in need of spiritual support may place their requests on the prayer chain by sending an email.

Men's Scripture | Contact

Men’s Scripture provides Christian fellowship for men of all ages to encourage spiritual growth as we support each other in our journey of faith. By learning about and strengthening our faith through the study of scripture, we are challenged to be witnesses of Christ to the world.

Mother of Sorrows and Hope | Contact

A Bereavement Ministry for Mothers who Have experienced the recent loss of a child.

Tuesday Night Rosary | Contact

We pray the beautiful Scriptural Rosary and walk in the footsteps of Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Our Scriptural Rosary includes a phrase from the Gospels before each Hail Mary in the five decades.

We begin the Scriptural Rosary with our intention for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. We also pray for all our Religious here at OLMC, as well as for our own personal intentions. 

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Faith without works is dead – James 2:17

The Ministry of Jesus Christ is expressed in many ways whereby human life is loved from the moment of conception until the moment God calls each person home. We invite every parishioner to be part of the solution to society’s problems by doing something.

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